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      Salaam to you all from WS Diary. I humbly welcome you all in my new blog `Your Health n Care`. In this I will share you some useful healthy tips that will surely help in maintaining fitness. 

           As summer has started, I do hope so all are reveling in this cyclic magnificent reverting of summer. This warmth of summer days creates lifelong conditions for all living organisms and also boosts up their activities. These all are well, nevertheless that the longer you spend in heat, the more serious effects on your body can be. Increase in your body temperature can heavy sweeting, clammy skin, dehydration, tiredness, headache, dizziness, cramp, a quick weak pulse or any skin problem can be. You can obstruct these problems by re-engaging your routines and by attaching some effective tips in life.

         Here I have mentioned some easy points and tips that will assist you in securing from negative outcomes of summer.      

     1.Eat healthy and light:


  As summer is going to set muggy and genial, it is common doctor`s advice to pick healthy and light meal for summer which can be easily digested. To ensure cool your mind and body fit n fine food is preferred. So, say goodbye to oily and junky food like pizza and burger.

    2.Enrich your diet wiith fresh summer food:


 Use fresh fruits and vegetables of summer. Fill your meal with antioxidants such as berries. These will prevent you from the damage of tissues and also reduce the risk of age related disorders. Peach, apricot and berries like strawberry and blueberry and in vegetables broccoli, spinach, carrot and potato are especially antioxidants-rich.

     3.Stay hydrated and cool:


Water in body goes to counteract dehydration in hot or humid weather, regardless of your activity level. Drinking water helps lower your body temperature and replace the fluid you lose through sweating. So stay hydrated by intaking balanced water.

      4.Avoid outside food: 


Outside food is usually rich in lipid, protein and sugar level. A diet high in fats, cholesterol and glucose increase the risk of heart diseases or stroke. It will also cause increase in body temperature.

     5.Care your eyes well:


In summer, sun rays are 
extremely rich with ultraviolet-rays A and B. So, it is better to protect your vision at work and at play by wearing protective eye-wear.  

      6.Protect your skin: 


Ultraviolet rays damage our skin also. To protect skin from damage or burning put sunscreen on outer parts of body before going outside.

      7.Avoid alcohal and caffine: 


Beverages such as alcohol, cola or caffeine , try to reduce the amount of these favorite drinks. The reason is that, they all leave your body dehydrated. Plain or flavored water is the best cover up of these.

      8.Stay indoor:


Stay indoor in leisure time. Don`t waste time in wandering hot glazing roads or streets. Staying home will prevent you from negativities of summer.

              I hope you all will like these points and tips. For more healthy tips n ideas follow my blog `Your Health n Care`. The link is given below:

       I will be here soon with more healthy tips. Till that take care of yourself and your lovely one.

                                       Goodbye to all...


                                                               Posted By:

                                     FAYEZA RAHMAN.


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